Multiperiod report to include holdings

• What feature do you want to see in Sharesight?

The multi-period (MP) report is nice, but when comparing performance, it would be very helpful to see the total value of holdings in there. Much more relevant to see, for example, a -15% performance in a holding of $200K than one of $10K, in terms of rebalancing decisions.

I realize space is at a premium if there are lots of columns. Can you see a way of including the holding value at current date, in the report?

• Why do you want it?
Much more relevant to see, for example, a -15% performance in a holding of $200K than one of $10K, in terms of rebalancing decisions.

• How is this affecting you?
Clumsy to try to export the report to Excel and then align with another report of holdings.

• Do you currently have a workaround solution? If yes, what is it?
As above but takes a lot of time.

• Can we reach out in future to ask follow up questions about this idea?
Sure. Sharesight is great and the newish MP report good, especially being able to compare stocks with managed funds, ETF or LIC and across portfolios too! Just want it better. :slight_smile:

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Have thought the same thing

Other posts are wanting to see a % weight for holding - but for this report the current $$ would be better as the % would vary by period