Holdings transfer between portfolios

It would be very useful to be able to transfer some holdings between portfolios! To do it now it is needed to delete them and upload them again, having to reset everything and confirm all dividend history. A carnage…

Is it possible?


Hi @Pde, it is possible to do so. Our support team can do this on your behalf, you just need to contact us with the following:

  1. The portfolio name the holdings are currently in
  2. The ticker code for the holdings you want to move
  3. The portfolio name you want to move these holdings to
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Thanks, did it. You may add the possibility to do it without telling you?

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This seems like it should be a standard feature. I often move securities in-kind from a CAD to USD account to avoid exchange rate conversions if I sell. Most banks will set up an RRSP US dollar account along with a Canadian RRSP dollar account so I’m sure it’s common for people to move cash and securities between them.

I would like to see this feature. :grinning:


Yes Jack I know you can do it and you have for me before but surely with the portfolio increase you would rather we did it ourselves. Cant be that difficult to make a user friendly interface?


Opening this conversation again as In Feb 2022 I transferred/contributed one particular share holding from my Investment Account into the RRSP account which is a tax deferral account. The transfer was affected by the Bank agent.
I don’t see such a transaction option available in Sharesight where I can transfer or contribute my shares holdings from my investment account to my RRSP account at a specific rate.
I can see doing this regularly going forward hence building this functionality will be a great feature.
Asgi Esufali

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Hi, any development updates on this one, it would be a really useful feature to include, and maybe more efficient (for users and Sharesight) than asking you to do each time? Thanks


Many people asking

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I’ve stumbled across this and wonder if the situation for a transfer between accounts has changed?

Unfortunately I realise only now that my previous way of doing this (using ‘Sell’ and ‘Buy’ trades) is an issue for my past tax calculations.

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Also waiting on this feature

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Yeah, how much longer do we have to wait for this feature, or maybe an answer from Sharesight?


Any response from ShareSight. I need to do this now.


Hi @ConL this feature is not available to our customers at the moment. Please get in touch with Sharesight support via chat or email if you need any help with moving your holdings and we are happy to assist you.

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Is it planned to deliver this feature and do you have a rough idea of date?
I would really like this feature also.


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Hi - I would really like to see this feature too.

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I’d like to have this feature as well.

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Hi @chaz42 welcome to the community! Can I ask what is the use case for having this feature? How do you segregate your investments by portfolio?

Suppose you have multiple HINs (from having accounts with different brokers, etc.). Then you want to make a transfer of shares from one HIN to another (with no change in beneficial ownership). If you have your two HINs listed as separate portfolios in Sharesight, then you can easily make this transfer, without triggering any taxable events in the system and without having to re-add all the assets manually to the other portfolio.

If it saves the Sharesight more time and money to just do these sorts of transfer in the backend manually upon request, then I suppose it’s not the worst thing in the world not to have it as a feature. But could save you the hassle…

I think this feature is necessary. I have shares in my personal account and also my super fund. But I put both together in the one portfolio. In some cases I have the same share in both.

The super fund looks after the tax requirements separately. But if I run CGT and taxable income reports for the portfolio gives tax details for both the super fund and personal account. This becomes confusing

It would be easier to be able to export everything to another portfolio and then edit the new and old portfolios manually. Much easier than having to ask Sharesight to do it manually.

It looks like it is possible to import from a spreadsheet. Why not allow export as well? It would be no harder to implement

@JohnB any particular reason you decided to combine both personal and super fund in one portfolio? You’re right, ideally both should have their own portfolio because they’re separate tax entities.

You can export using the All Trades report and import that same file.