When does Sharesight pre-fill Trust / ETF fields

When does sharesight prefill their ETF/AMIT tax fields from the registry.

I’m really struggling to fill out the Tax fields and match it to tax report. I’ve got the “cheat sheet” with the example fields but it’s so small and blurry I can’t read it properly (eye sight is poor). I tried it last year and lodged it and compared it to the pre fill later in the year and I was way off.


Hi @dan801, Sharesight receives ETF distribution components data directly from the different ETF providers around September, and the Pro rata Annual Tax Statement form in your Taxable Income report will then be updated automatically for you. However, we don’t receive the data for Managed Funds, so that will have to be entered in manually.

We have recently updated our help page on updating annual tax statements with additional information on how to enter different EOFY statements.