Unconfirmed transactions on future dividends

Have just started using Sharesight so still finding my feet. In the last couple od days several unconfirmed transactions have appeared next to my holdings. when I delve into them they appear to be dividends received but for a future date, even though they appear to have been added to my gains. Am I suuposed to leave them there and await confirmation on dividends received then confirm them? In my case I will be using the DRP so can I change the option in settings to automatic for DIP and it will sort it out istself ? Thanks Rob

Hi @clappo you should check the unconfirmed transactions with your dividend records before confirming them. You might find this help page about Automatically generated dividends and adjustments helpful on this one.
As for the DRPs, you can set them up in Sharesight. Read our help page ‘Track dividend reinvestments’ for further instructions.