Unconfirmed dividends

Next Unconfirmed Dividend button
At the moment the only way I can see all the remaining unconfirmed transactions (dividends) is by running the Taxable Income report.
What I typically do is reconcile between share sight and my accounting system, as amounts of withholding tax and exchange rates often differ.
So I select the dividend in question, find what the amounts should be, go in and amend.
THEH I have to run the report again to look for the next one.
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    What I would ideally like is the ability to select ‘Next Unconfirmed Dividend’ button.
    Alternatively, the ability to sort unconfirmed transactions would be good too
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Ill go one step further and ask for select all and confirm multiple dividends with one click. It can be a part of the future income report. when i try to manually save divident using the link on this report currently there is a bug. i get a “whoops” page

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This is tricky to explain, but will try anyway.

On a PC, when you have the report up and you select the Div and work on it and finish with it, don’t run the report again but slowly use the browser’s BACK button to go back in history.

You may need to go BACK more times than you think, but you will get back to the report page eventually.

Don’t go too fast.

Now, is that any faster or easier than re-running the report? I don’t know, it’s easier for me to hit the BACK button, so I do.

I don’t know how this translates to other gadgets.