Trade confirmations loaded up to 5 cents incorrectly

When a trade confirmation is loaded from the broker email, the value of the transaction loaded can be up to 5c over or under the amount showing on the confirmation. This is because Sharesight converts it to a price per share with 6 decimal places when at least 7 decimal places are needed. For instance I have a buy transaction which is held in Sharesight with price per share of $1.352216. This results in the total value of the holding being 4c incorrect in Sharesight. The actual price per share is $1.352216429. However, if Sharesight held the price to 7 decimal places (ie. $1.3522165), then the holding value would be correct.
This has been an issue for me since I started with Sharesight and means that Sharesight never balances with my general ledger by a few cents. I wish they would fix it. The only workaround they offer is to delete the transaction and put it back in as 2 separate transactions with say 73999 shares at one price per share and 1 share at a different price per share. It would be more convenient to return to my previous system than doing this.