total return including gross and not net distributions

New user here.
The total return of a position seems to include the gross payments of distribution not the net. as the return is minus the withholding taxes, shouldn’t the total return taking net into account instead?
If there are valid reasons to do it this way this should then be a switch to either compute return with net or with gross returns. My return (and reinvestments) is net of taxes paid and should be shown accordingly.
thank you

Hi @yougotcash the dividend return is currently calculated based on the gross value, but we are considering about including calculations for net income in the future. We will keep you updated once we have more information on this.

thanks for considering it. As it is sort of important to have the correct return, when is it planned for implementation? i cannot use any of the summarised reports as they give an inaccurate picture, even the total picture per holding is inaccurate.

Hello. any views on the timeline for implementing this?