Portfolio Limits

It would help if we could increase the number of portfolios possible from 10 to at least 15.


Similar problem…

I’m in the UK, a private investor and on the expert plan - which is limited to 5 portfolios.

I only want one more portfolio but to do this I need to upgrade to the PRO version which increases the price by 250% per portfolio!

In a world where investors have pensions, tax-free trading accounts (ISAs in the UK) and various other trading accounts across multiple brokers I do not think 5 portfolios is sufficient. I’m certainly not a PRO - and not charging customers for any financial advice - hence I do not want to pay PRO pricing.


I’m in exactly this boat and having to group my investments to fit within 5 Portfolios. I’ve made use of some consolidated views as a workaround.

We need an Expert + with up to 10 Portfolios :slight_smile:


yup - or the ability to buy one more portfolio at a time on a pro-rata basis. A 250% price increase per portfolio as you jump above 5 is not a way to reward loyal customers. I’m used to a world where the more you use the less you pay.


I agree. With trading accounts potentially in your name, your wife’s, your trust and your super, 5 is not enough.


I agree, the portfolio should increase the number of holdings from 10 to 15.


15 would be nice. 20 or unlimited even better. If you are loading your own trade data manually and not using a broker email, i don’t see why there should be any limit on the number of portfolios.


Yes, I am also in the similar situation. Having the expert plan only allows me to have 5 portfolios. I wanted to add couple more portfolios so if the limit can be increased then that would help individual investors like us. I have various entities such as individual accounts, joint accounts with the spouse, family trust, SMSF etc.

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Thanks this question was useful to me. I’ve been on an expert plan for years and for some reason am still restricted to the former 4 plan limit. From the replies I see this is now 5 so I’ll get that sorted out. As a work around I use custom groups to provide some separation. Of course this doesn’t work if you want to split one company across two groups,


Similarly, the limits on number of custom groups seem strangely low 2 or 5 for the expert level. I thought these could be used to group various asset classes, where you need at least 6 or 7 - for the traditional groupings of domestic equities, international equities, domestic fixed-interest, international fixed, property, alternatives, unlisted other stuff. Theres really not much you can do with the 2 groupings in the investor plan.

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@Jessinv_Sharesight Jess

I’m a little confused here. Are there different portfolio limits in different countries? Or different portfolio limits on the “expert” plan depending upon the date you subscribed?

It seems some are stuck on 4, some on 5 and some on 10 portfolios. Some are asking for an increase to 15 from 10. And some would love to have a few more than 5! 5 is just not enough - and I cannot justify upgrading to PRO - given the huge price increase.

Are we all paying the same for a different level of service?

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Hi all
I was in the same situation having used my 5 available portfolios on the Expert Plan. It seemed that Pro was the only option but not cost effective for only a few more portfolios. I got in touch with Sharesight Help who suggested opening another Investor plan to access 3 more. You can then share access to this plan with full access permissions that allows you to have full control of all 8 portfolios from the one account. Hopefully I’ve explained that in a way that makes sense.
So there is a workaround but I agree that Sharesight should review their portfolio offerings and pricing to encourage further uptake by their most engaged users. Discouraging people from using your product more doesn’t seem like good business!


@ridoba ,

We currently have regional pricing and we’ve previously allocated portfolio numbers in each region based on the typical number of tax entities our customers in those regions track investments in. We also have historic pricing / time limited offers which might also mean that there are sight nuances to plans for different subscribers.

Given the feedback in the thread it seems like a good time to review this approach and bring forward our next pricing review. In addition to number of portfolios we’ll be taking a look at other exclusions and inclusions for each plan type.

Would you be happy for me to contact you on this?

@Jessinv_Sharesight Yes - please feel free to reach out. My email address is on my profile if you’d prefer a written discussion. Happy to talk on a voice call too. Given the timezone differences I’m more than happy to do early or late my time in the UK (I’m used to it).

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I am still in the trialing period of the “Expert Plan”. I will need to be able to track 8 portfolios in the household - 5 brokerage accounts and 3 super accounts, and I don’t consider myself anywhere near “expert”, just having perhaps somewhat above average investor household setup.

IMO this 5-portfolio cap is very limiting, it is odd that to have access to create additional portfolios, one needs to bump to a Pro version that looks like intended for practice management use cases, and has higher per-portfolio unit cost - almost like a disincentive for individuals to fully adopt Sharesight.


Hey Jess, would you also be happy to contact me to increase my portfolio count as per this thread :slight_smile:

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Reiterate the comments on this thread. Currently trialing the investor plan and the limit to portfolios is frustrating.

I would expect 10 portfolios as a minimum for the price.

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Hi @dtersigni ,

Are you happy to share how you use portfolios currently? Typically the set up is 1 portfolio per taxable entity, but it sounds like you might be using them slightly differently.

@Jessinv_Sharesight I’m in the same boat as @ridoba .

I’m in Australia and limited to 5 portfolios which isn’t enough. Right now my work around is a bit rubbish:

  • I have put my wife and myself in the same portfolio
  • I have had to put a company entity and a property trust together and will eventually probably need to merge multiple property trusts (they aren’t super active entities but I need to put them into a consolidated view to check that my overall portfolio balance is right)
  • got two free portfolios for each of the kids (the assets are held in our family trust but I need to keep Grandparents happy that their legacy is being wisely invested) … that will be terrible come tax time as I’ll need to merge with the main trust portfolio and I can forsee a problem when they might eventually exceed 10 different entities as well.
  • I have got one for the SMSF

To make matters worse I use a couple of different brokerages (hence cash accounts) in some of the entities which completely messes up Xero integration.

I reckon 10 portfolios would be sufficient. Alternatively … offer a concept of “sub-portfolio” nested within a portfolio that could fix the Xero issues and give better reporting.


Thanks for sharing @Tristan, this detail is really useful as we prepare our annual pricing/plan inclusion review.