Monthly sub totals in Future Income Report

• What feature do you want to see in Sharesight?
Add a monthly sub total to the Future Income Report.
Other reports have sub totals eg, Diversity, Performance, Muti-Period etc show totals of the custom groups.

• Why do you want it?
To see projected monthly total of dividends on the same view as the upcoming individual payments

• How is this affecting you?
It’s time consuming having to add up the dividends or switch views and reload the report

• Do you currently have a workaround solution? If yes, what is it?
Constantly switching between “show all transactions” and “show monthly totals” using the advanced options menu

• Can we reach out in future to ask follow up questions about this idea?
Yes, happy to give more feedback

Hello, you can already do this (kind of) by selecting the ‘Show Monthly Totals’ from Advanced Options.

That said, I agree it would be nice to have the option to display subtotals on the default report

Thank you. I overlooked that option.
But full totals on the bottom of the page would be nice still.

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