Luxembourg based securities support

Might be asking for too much but would love to see Luxembourg based securities (ISIN starting with LU) added to Sharesight.

Anyone else feel the same?

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Hi @Tcs106

Thanks for joining the Community.

We will pass this on to our product team for review. In the meantime please can you confirm the following:

• If you would like access to listed companies, Luxembourg domiciled managed funds, or both?
• Do you currently have a workaround solution? If yes, what is it?
• Can we reach out in the future to ask follow-up questions about this idea?

Thank you @Jessinv_Sharesight for taking the time to respond.

  • For me personally, I’m more interested in Luxembourg domiciled managed or passive funds.
  • I currently use the portfolio feature on Morningstar to track and compare my Luxembourg based security investments.
  • Please feel free to reach me at anytime


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Hi, I’d love to see Luxembourg listed securities supported on Sharesight too. I’ve added these to my portfolio’s manually but its not a great solution. Thanks


@Jessinv_Sharesight Could you please tell us if your data provider has been contacted to add this feature in the future? Thanks!


In your May 2023 release notes you mention support for an additional ‘56 countries and their corresponding currencies’.

Could you please confirm if Luxembourg based securities (for example LU0858290173) are now supported, or if not when is this support planned?

I foolishly deleted my custom instrument for LU0858290173 and then realised it is not available as a listed instrument; a search on LU0858290173 returned the custom instrument LU0858290173.OTHER, even though I had deleted this from my portfolio.
