Anybody hold any of the following shares SOR , GDG , BTC etc. They are not subject to capital gains tax or tax on dividend income for investors or traders. Does anyone know a way they can be excluded from reports in terms of taxation.
Hell Kylie, I have the same question Re Pooled Development Funds or PDFs…I see there are no replies to your question, have you found out how to treat them in share sight? Cheers William
Yeah nothing from Sharesight , I would of thought an easy fix after all it is just a big database. They could just have check box for PDF’s and other investment that is not taxable then you can just turn off any tax liability for each share you choose. So at present we just label PDFs so we are aware of them and pull them out EOFY.
Thank you for that Kylie, as I am putting some late tax returns and have a number of stocks that I have either sold partially or completely…would you by any chance know where there is a listing of PDFs so I can get the start and or finish dates…possibly the share registry for each stock or maybe Fed/Gov or Tax/Dept…
So with any of our tax reports, there is no function to exclude specific holdings from them. With regards to tax on dividends, you could edit the payments on the holding to remove the tax component.
The CGT report is more set, you wouldn’t be able to remove a gain from this report. It would be possible if you exported to Excel, where you could move that line item from the Excel report.
Thanks Jack , it even get’s trickier as I am trader and don’t pay CGT. Gains in value are treated as an increase in stock on hand so are treated differently then a DIY investor. I would love to see a tick box for investor or trader in your profile.
Hello Kylie, Thank you very much, a great help.