Option to only show existing holdings when applying labels ?

Hi Community,
When applying labels to holdings is there a way to limit the view of holding to just those that you currently hold, rather than the huge list of everything you have owned over time ?.



Hey @mark_from_briz!

It seems that the labels manager will show all your holdings and that there’s no way to filter out open/open & closed positions only. I’m going to re-categorise this as a feature request if you’d like to fill out our template outlined below:

• What feature do you want to see in Sharesight?
• Why do you want it?
• How is this affecting you?
• Do you currently have a workaround solution? If yes, what is it?
• Can we reach out in future to ask follow up questions about this idea?

Thanks Jack

What feature do you want to see in Sharesight?

The ability to filter out open and closed positions on the labels management page.

• Why do you want it?
currently the entire list of every stock ever owned is listed, resulting in a cluttered page

Improves the workflow

• How is this affecting you?

Currently it can take longer than necessary to find the stock you want to apply the label to due to the clutter of seeing the entire list.

I believe that this would be a good quality of life improvement and reasonably simple to implement

• Do you currently have a workaround solution? If yes, what is it?

Can we reach out in future to ask follow up questions about this idea?

Absolutely, love to help this amazing product