TD Direct Investing only provides historical trading activity (7 years) as part of a PDF statement (other than the past few months which is available as a CSV). Therefore, there is no way to bulk import all of these historical transactions.
Without this capability, I cannot import anything but the last few months. I need a script to parse the activity from multiple PDF files, then convert them to the appropriate CSV formatted file. Anyone else using TD Direct Investing and importing historical transactions?
Hi @Ronster welcome to the community!
There are programs where you can convert your PDF into a CSV file. If you can do this, our support team can assist you with editing the file to import correctly into Sharesight.
Once your trading history is imported, you’ll be able to import the PDF trade confirmations correctly into Sharesight.
I doubt it would be that easy for a portfolio as complex as mine. I have dozens of securities dating back a few decades over numerous accounts . This would mean over 250 statements just for a single account. I am fairly certain that the format of the statement would have changed at least once over the years if not more so any parsing program would need to take that into consideration as well.