Do you use a broker that Sharesight does not currently support?

Hi @neipa, we do have support for Trading 212 & Superhero’s trade confirmations to import via our trade confirmation emails feature. This link will guide you through how to set this up on your portfolio.

Hi @Andrew, we do currently have support for TD Direct through our trade confirmation emails feature. We’re always looking to build on this feature, feel free to send some examples of those brokers contract notes to our support team to investigate if we can support them.

You can reach out to support through the chat icon in the bottom right corner.

I use CMC Markets for some CFD trading - would LOVE to see that in Sharesight.

I’m also a Pocketsmith user (thanks, Sharesight, for getting me onto them!) where I can now connect my Sharesight AND Sharesies accounts to see asset value there alongside my transaction accounts. It’s not quite as good as having Sharesies in Sharesight, but it’s close enough for now.

Superhero and Blockfi!

These both require manual input at the moment.

Spaceship Voyager integration would be amazing.

Sharesies, Easycrypto and Investnow!!

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Self wealth

I use Webull and also think some of the other stock trading apps from this list are missing as well. I’d love to call out Sharesight as a great tracking resource for people on my site.

For example:



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Thank you for sharing this @mlantry. I have passed on this information to our product team.

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@Dunks SelfWealth is supported,Exchange%20(NYSE)%20and%20Nasdaq%2C%20which%20Sharesight%20also%20supports.

@Dr_Locomotive @lons @Hilton we’ve been trying to get in touch with Spaceship Voyager to discuss a possible integration. Please let us know if you could pass on a contact at Spaceship Voyager to discuss.

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@Piumi_Sharesight I just reached out to my network to see if anyone has a connection as Spaceship. Will keep you updated :blush:


Thank you @lons. That’s great. Please share with us via our chat window or email us on if you get anything.

I used to use CommSec International and now use NAB Trade for my international shares in my SMSF. Nab Trade is considerably cheaper Per trade, it integrates well with Sharesight Via email and the platform reports are better. The other advantage is that the shares are beneficially held on your behalf via NAB, you do not actually own them. This makes the admin a bit easier. I read somewhere there can be Estate Issues for your beneficiaries with owning US shares direct (US death tax) which I think the beneficial structure may avoid. This would be another reason for the NAB type structure if I am correct. Self Wealth offer a similar structure, but NAB probably more secure.



Degiro - the biggest European broker.


Tradestation needs support