Tax Report

Just looking for users who have mixed ASX and US portfolios who can comment on whether to the Taxable income is working correctly. In our case have ASX and US in the same portfolio but have found you don’t get the income tax summary at the bottom of the report as you do with ASX only reports.

Hi @Kylie I’ve just responded to your message to our support team. With the income summary are you looking for a US total income or income total for the whole portfolio?

We need to look at the income from the shares, trusts etc and apply the amounts to the appropriate ATO tax codes ie Foreign income etc .

After working with @Kylie on this one, it was found that she had her tax settings to a company, whereas for the summary fields to show her tax setting needed to be set to an individual.

A quick change via the settings tab under tax settings resolved this easily :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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