Smartphone functionality needs improving

Was disappointed to see the smartphone app for sharesight discontinued. I found the quick view of all your portfolios in one glance very useful and not time consuming to use.

The new option to use the desktop version converted to a mobile view unusable. It would help greatly if the IT guys could ensure the left hand column with the holdings, and top row with the titles could be held on the page when you are looking at your portfolios in landscape view. At the moment if you scroll right or down all you see is numbers. Virtually unusable from a user point of view.

Does anyone else think this would be a useful enhancement?

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This has been raised before. (November 2022).

We just want to see the name of the security (in full is important for unlisted funds) and the return by percentage and dollar value on my device without scrolling.
All other columns are of less or no interest.

I imagine that this is the basic view that most people want.

Also you can’t easily see what timeframe you are looking at anymore. It says “Filters”.

The old app was better.

Even better would be to enable us to customise the columns and display in the format of the weekly email which shows the full security name.
