Customising portfolio view to easily see return

Something has changed recently when looking at my portfolio from my mobile.

I used to be able to see holding name and return on one screen.

Now I have to scroll across to see the return, then I can’t see the holding name

I don’t know about others, but I am mainly interested in holding and return.
Can you move return into the 2nd column ?

Or make the columns customisable ?

Thanks for a great product!


I agree - so annoying not to be able to see returns and share code without scrolling in portrait mode on cellphone. Worked briefly in landscape mode but now that’s doesn’t work either.
At the very least, ticker code column should be ‘fixed’ with remaining columns scrollable.

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Can you make it the same format as the weekly portfolio email ?
I can see the full name of the securities including the full fund names. (Security names have more than one line) and the returns on my mobile phone without having to scroll across.

Customised columns for the weekly portfolio email and portfolio views is my preferred option.


Hello Investor,
Thanks for your feedback. Now, you can view all the details of your holdings including ticker code, quantity, value, capital gains, dividends and return on your phone in the same way you see it on your desktop.

The sharesight app shows the full security name and the return on the same screen and is more readable than the web version.
Perhaps you could consider not withdrawing the app?

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I don’t know about other people but I still can’t read the return at the same time as the security name.
It’s much easier to read it on the app (which you are planning on withdrawing). You can see the security name and the return at the same time.
You can also see the security name and the return at the same time on the weekly portfolio email

It would be good if we could customise the columns so that we could show security name next to the return.

Does anyone know how to now view all your portfolios and their returns like you could on the mobile app? That was the main reason I used the mobile app to get an at a glance look at the returns. I track my kids portfolios as well as my own.

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Hi, I still can’t see the total return without scrolling.
Can you put the total return in the 2nd column next to security name?
There are a few requests in this community for this but there has been no response. Thanks

Hi @Diversify_N_Hold thank you for raising this with us again. I have flagged this to our product team and will update once I have an update on this.

It’s one and a half years later.
Can you please change the mobile format back to how it was so that we can see the Security & the total return without scrolling. Thanks

I have asked for this a few times but no result yet

Agreed, it’s a great shame the mobile app was discontinued. I don’t check my portfolios on my iPhone as it’s pretty much unusable now. It’s just basically the desktop version downsized.

It would be good if there were an option to hide some columns when viewing on the smartphone. I really only want to see the holding, share price and return % on my iPhone.

I guess it must be too hard to maintain with all the iOS and android updates all the time.
Still a fabulous piece of investment software. Which I’m checking - far too often :crazy_face:

Does anyone know of an alternative share tracker that has a decent/usable app showing the holding name, holding value and the return on one screen? Also a summary screen with just each portfolio listed would be what I’m looking for. Would be great if Sharesight could prioritise this. thanks

Report columns can now be customised

eg just show
Security name, Value and return.
That is great !
It would be good if:
-we could have Return by $ & % in the same report
-we could have this option to customise columns for Portfolio view on mobile & desktop so we eliminate the information is that is not of interest.
It might make the refresh response faster and less load on your servers ?
