Multiple benchmarks at the same time

It would be great to have the possibility to compare your portfolio performance to multiple benchmarks at the same time. You can only visualize one benchmark at the time right now.


I strongly support this! Asset classes such as managed funds are very diverse and having a single benchmark produces some odd results for the outliers

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This would be great. Often I want to compare an ETF or managed fund I own against another, but the performance of my holding is influenced by my buys/sells since I first bought it and therefore doesn’t represent the performance of the fund itself. It’s not an apples to apples comparison. If there were two or more benchmarks allowed I could compare my holding of a fund to the fund itself as well as a different fund.

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It’ll add immense value instead of changing manually benchmark.

A variation: I would love the option of selecting appropriate benchmarks for each type of managed fund - fixed interest, global shares etc. Applying a single benchmark to all managed funds holdings really doesn’t clarify anything; it needs to be a comparison of like with like against a relevant benchmark.

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Agree on these issues raised.

Yea exactly, in my opinion it would be great to have the option of selecting appropriate benchmarks for each Custom Group you have. For example, I have a Custom Group with all my REIT holdings and I would like to have the VNQ ETF as a benchmark under that Custom Group section in the Portfolio Overview page.

Yes, I totally agree with the suggestions. I have selected STW for the benchmark but I wanted to choose a different one like QQQ for the US stocks. Showing STW for the US stocks doesn’t provide any meaningful comparison. I would appreciate if the team could prioritise this.

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+1 for this

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+1. just upgraded to investor mainly for benchmarking. How come in the below help page, the screenshot shows multiple benchmarks? is this only avl in expert? also, its interesting that the screenshot looks different (more modern) than what I actually see.

@quantum_foam So the images on the screenshot are related to the Graph Performance Index. On this view, it will also plot the selected grouping option (located at the top-right of the performance graph).

In the example, it looks like the grouping is set by the market, but then also incorporating the Benchmark as well.

Our benchmark feature is to only enable one benchmark at this stage.

I would also love to have multiple benchmarks, it’s a bit of a pain when trying to compare several ETFs at once etc

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+1 multiple benchmarks and ability to control the benchmark period would be good thanks

I’d love the ability to set different benchmarks for different portfolios & different shares, so I’m comparing like with like. Thanks.

Agree with premise.

I would also like to add that I hit two limits today, the length of label description, and also number of labels able to be available.

Generically we are discussing company analysis criteria, and information that we want to be available on each our our individual company / fund investments. The snowflake analysis gives a quick view, however having hard date linked to the stocks, would enable Excel downloads, and subsequent off Sharesight share grouping, and reporting giving a totally bespoke nature to the reporting.
Tailorable fields attached to each stock, would be the answer, and whilst this may be a high number of fields available, (and potentially daunting,) the user would be able to start with just a few fields “switched on”, and then activate them as his / her skills improved, and the analysis requirement developed.

Users could then offer their reports to become “system reports” available to everyone, (for a reduction in fee,) accessed at premium level, without restricting the analysis fields available to the users in any way.

A useful feature would be the ability to compare portfolio performance against a composite benchmark index, with user-specified weightings applied to underlying market indices or ETFs. For example, 30% ASX All Ords, 30% S&P500 and 60% NZSE50. It should be fairly straight forward to create a composite benchmark based on up to (say) 5 indices/ETFs.